Wholesale Branded Goods Scam/Fraud in Poland (Romania, Germany, Netherlands)

If you are here because you are not sure if company (in Poland, Romania, Germany, Netherlands or elsewhere) that you have contacted is SCAM/FRAUD or not there is one golden rule:

If company offers you so called "Branded Goods" and offer is very attractive (50-70% of market price) it is SCAM/FRAUD.

There are some exceptions but rare.

So if you were offered in wholesale quantities:

FERRERO sweets
PAMPERS nappies

Be very, very carefull.

Of course that is an example. Scamers offer also meat, other food, oil, cars, agricultural machines, furniture, etc.

Does that mean that companies in Poland do not wholesale/export such goods? Of course they do. But prices are not 50% of retail price !!!

There are not cheap stocklots? Of course they are but are sold by stocklot companies to customers that cooperate with suppliers for long time. It is bussines based on relationship, not one time profitable transaction. Stocklot wholesalers will not allow you to buy just their most popular items in best prices. That how it works.

And there are no manufacturers of Branded Goods in Poland? Many of them. Factories of most known world brands - food, drinks an others. But they will not sell in in factory prices. No way!

Please read - How to check company in Poland

We deliver also reports regarding companies in Romania ( financial information, turnover, company data, etc.) - see sample report here: http://infotimes.pl/subpages/raporty_handlowe_finansowe_Rumunia.html


If you are interested in searching supplier of branded goods but you are not looking for prices much below european retail I can search for suppliers for you.

I'm also registered exporter so I can load your goods on a ship or help with transport other way. I deliver European Union and Worldwide. Please visit: http://www.infotimes.pl/buy_in_Poland_wholesale.htm

If you need to buy IKEA products, which are cheaper in Poland, please visit: http://www.infotimes.pl/subpages/How_to_buy_IKEA_furniture_from_Poland.html

Our offer - June 2017 (Lipton, Pepsi, Knorr, Hellmann's, other brands on demand). Full containers only. From port Gdynia/Gdansk - Poland - click here.